
Nurse Aide:

Geriatric Aide:

2023 State-Approved Curriculum 

Community Colleges should notify DHSR of the individuals who successfully passed the North Carolina state-approved Geriatric Aide training program to be listed in the registry.  Community Colleges should include the North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry listing number of each individual when notifying DHSR.

Home Care Specialty Training for Nurse Aides:

2021 State-Approved Curriculum

Community Colleges should notify DHSR of the individuals who successfully passed the North Carolina state-approved Home Care Specialty Training for Nurse Aides program to be listed in the registry. Community Colleges should include the North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry listing number of each individual when notifying DHSR.

Medication Aide – Nursing Home:

The North Carolina Board of Nursing (BON) approves training programs, education materials, and faculty.   Below are BON websites that provide additional information. 

Contact the BON at 919-782-3211 or email Tammy Edelen at [email protected] for more information. 

Medication Aide – Adult Care Facility:

The Division of Health Service Regulation – Adult Care Licensure Section (DHSR ACLS) approves training programs, education materials, and faculty requirements.  Below are DHSR ACLS websites that provide additional information. 

Contact the DHSR Adult Care Licensure Section at 919-855-3765 or via e-mail at [email protected] for more information. 

Feeding Assistant:

2020 State-Approved Curriculum

A Feeding Assistant is a single-task worker used to feed residents in nursing homes. Nursing homes may only use paid Feeding Assistants after they successfully pass state-approved training.